(updated 6/13/2021)
Since January of 2016, we at Most Holy Trinity have been blessed to gather, worship, and work in our beautiful Church, Family Life Center, and Pastoral Office. Through two phases of our capital campaign, the generosity of many has enabled us to partially repay the initial $13 million funding of these facilities, which was provided through the Archdiocese.
The second phase of our campaign formally concluded June 30 of 2021. And, while progress has been made, repayment on our initial funding remains.
Mindful of our call to responsibly complete our debt obligation, ongoing Parish Loan Payment contributions are necessary. Payments can be made through our envelope system, as well as through online giving, accessible HERE.
The spirituality of stewardship calls us to return to God our “first fruits,” as all we have is only possible because God gifted us first. We encourage all to prayerfully consider their response to this call of responsible stewardship. We express our most sincere gratitude to all who have supported and all who will continue to support us on this journey of Building and Growing Trinity Together.
Our initial phase, Building Trinity Together, enabled Most Holy Trinity to move from a temporary location to our present, permanent home in January of 2016. Through the generosity of so many, we were able to construct our Church, Family Life Center, and Pastoral Center, as well as to provide improvements such as parking, landscaping, and signage.