Volunteers in this ministry prepare and deliver meals, at their own expense, to individuals or families where there is serious illness, debilitating surgical recovery, or ongoing chemotherapy.
Contact: Jeannie Schindler ([email protected])
Catholic Daughters of America is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, members are united by their faith in Jesus Christ and their devotion to the Church and the Holy See. They strive to participate in the religious, charitable, and educational apostolates of the Church.
Contact: Ellen Marino ([email protected])
Most Holy Trinity endeavors to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those faced with disabilities.
Please note:
Contact: Gina Sternfels ([email protected])
The Holy Mackerels (affectionately named after Most Holy Trinity’s previous temporary location, “Mr. Fish” Pet Store) is a social group open to parishioners 50 years of age and older. Meetings are held the first Saturday of every month following 4:00 p.m. vigil mass. The group plans numerous social activities throughout the year.
Contact: Vernon Sprawls ([email protected])
Holy Name Societies promote reverence for the sacred names of God and Jesus Christ, obedience and loyalty to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and the personal sanctification and holiness of its members. Membership is open to all Catholics, lay faithful, clergy, and religious over the age of 18 who firmly support the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic faith and who strive to practice them in their daily lives.
The Society also participates in Radio Rosaries, broadcasted on 600AM, and available for listening at noauhns.org The schedule of MHT's participation can be found in the "Looking Ahead" section of MHT's weekly bulletin, HERE.
Contact: Bobbe Petreikis (504-884-0727)
For more information about our ministry to the homebound and hospitalized, please see HERE.
The Hospice Rosary is a ministry of prayerful parishioners who commit to praying regularly for those on hospice in their place of residence.
Contact: Kathy Decareaux ([email protected]) 985-892-0642
The Knights of Columbus (KCs) is Catholic fraternal service organization, opened to men aged 18 and older. Pope St. John Paul II referred to the Order as a "strong right arm of the Church," for their support for the Church and local communities, as well as for their philanthropic efforts. Our council meets on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Contact: Dennis Gibbs ([email protected]) 504-234-3671
Volunteer ministry is at the heart of the Church, as it is in giving of our time and talent that we respond to Christ’s call to serve others. Volunteers are needed to man the office reception area and to assist with other projects throughout the year.
Contact: Laurie Honold ([email protected]) 985-892-0642
The Rosary Guild meets every Wednesay after morning mass in the workroom of the Pastoral Center. They meet in fellowship and to make knotted rosaries, which are donated locally and abroad. Over 16,000 rosaries have been made and donated to date. All are welcome!
Contact: Jane Maniscalco ([email protected]) 985-892-0642
The St. Joseph Altar is a reflection of deep devotion to St. Joseph, the patron of those in need. Steeped in local tradition, the altar serves as a reminder that those who have enjoyed some measure of good fortune must share with those who have less. The altar is lovingly prepared, displayed, blessed, and shared on or about St. Joseph’s Feast Day.
Contact: Lynette Hatty ([email protected])
SWAT promotes community among the singles (those never married, separated, divorced, or widowed) of our parish with a variety of activities, outings, and social events.
Contact: Cindy Nassauer ([email protected])
While his entire life was one of self-giving to us and to his Father, Christ most simply and directly modeled the call to service by washing the feet of his Apostles at the Last Supper. Likewise, we are called to serve one another.
We invite you to answer this call by serving in any of our ministries or apostolates. In addition, if you have a need that one of our ministries or apostolates could meet, we invite you to contact us.
Contact information for all ministry and apostolate leaders can be found on page 4 of our bulletin, here .