The Angel Tree Ministry organizes the collection of items gifted by our praisioners to those in need at Christmas. This includes Christmas gifts for children of families identified as needing help, gifts for Senior Citizens whose names are given to us by Home Instead, and gift cards to victims of human trafficking that are being helped by Catholic Charities at a Free Indeed Home. Cash donations are used to purchase bikes and gifts not received, along with Rouse’s Gift Cards, which each family receives to assist with Christmas dinner. The gifts are organized for distribution by “The Angel Elves” and then distributed to the families, Northshore Food Bank, St. Tammany Project Christmas, Home Instead, and the Free Indeed Home.
Contact: Ellen Marino ([email protected])
The Social Apostolate seeks to spread the love of God through active service and support to those in the community. Their outreach is multi-faceted and often in coordination with other aid agencies. Efforts include support and financial assistance to those demonstrating financial need, support of the Northshore Food Bank, and organization of the Angel Tree Christmas program.
Contact: John Pasqua and Rose Beau
Direct Phone 985-276-2194
Catholic Charities Care Line: 866-891-2210
The Social Justice Ministry seeks to both educate and engage parishioners and those in the local community regarding issues that support the full human dignity of all, as creatures made in God’s image and likeness.
Contact: Susan May ([email protected]) 985-892-0642
While his entire life was one of self-giving to us and to his Father, Christ most simply and directly modeled the call to service by washing the feet of his Apostles at the Last Supper. Likewise, we are called to serve one another.
We invite you to answer this call by serving in any of our ministries or apostolates. In addition, if you have a need that one of our ministries or apostolates could meet, we invite you to contact us.
Contact information for all ministry and apostolate leaders can be found on page 4 of our bulletin, here .
Communications Request Form