Greetings in Christ!
Whether you are new to our website, to our parish, to the Catholic Church, or just searching…welcome!
I invite you to browse our website to learn more about Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church (the About Us, the Calendar on the home page, and I’m New sections are great places to start), and to learn more about the Catholic Faith.
Most Holy Trinity strives to be a welcoming parish, where parishioners and visitors join in community to worship, learn, serve, celebrate, and offer support. (The Grow Spiritually & Get Involved sections above explore this.)
We are also committed to being a stewardship parish. In gratitude to our God who can never be outdone in generosity, we endeavor to support community needs both near and far, as well as the needs of our local and universal Catholic Church.
Above all, we strive to carry out the mission of the Catholic Church: to provide a transformative encounter with Christ through the truth of His Word and the redeeming grace of His Sacraments.
I invite you to visit our parish. Join us for mass, or a faith formation class, or perhaps schedule an appointment if you have been away from the Church. As fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, we at Most Holy Trinity look forward to welcoming you.
Fraternally yours,
Very Reverend Rodney P. Bourg,